Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Spiritual Athlete..

My Mother is a Spiritual Athlete. She always decides to see the truth in every situation no matter how grave it may appear. My Mama is right, in these trying times when the the economy seems to be in a depression, or people seem to be in a depression, we all MUST hold fast in the knowing that only GOOD is happening. My mother mentioned that the athlete is strong in mind and that's what gives them the physical strength.
It's true because no athlete can succeed if he believes that he has no strength. The athlete already wins because he wakes up in the morning KNOWING that he will triumph in whatever sport he attempts, and even if he doesn't get first place he's at peace with himself because he gave it his all! I think that it's time to flex the
'spiritual muscle' and give that one a chance to develop. Do you realize what we could accomplish if we exercised that muscle? Let's move mountains! Mama, you're a GENIUS!!

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