Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So today is Wednesday and I had music practice yesterday. It was alright, we rehearsed Dean Martins version of 'Baby it's cold outside' to me it sounds so corny. It amazes me the songs that people want to pick for their first dance at their weddings. One couple wanted us to sing the theme song from Top Gun called 'The Danger Zone' we fucked that one up big time. It was hilarious! We didn't even make it through the first eight counts of the song! I still crack up when I think about that.


Anonymous said...

about freakin' time....

Amira said...

Yeah I know! I guess all that Myspace stuff takes away from what I really want to do. This feels more like me, not trying to compete, just get my words out there. You're so silly. So how have you been?