Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Does Love really make us stupid?

I feel like Sarah Jessica Parker from Sex in the City. Ok enough comparisons.
Does love really make us stupid? Well I think 'yes' it does. But maybe 'stupid'
is a harsh word, so lets just say 'sometimes common sense inept' lets abbreviate and say SCSI. I mean love can make us bail a loved one out of jail, it can make us bungee jump, it can probably make us eat worms!! But I think love makes us do the things that we do to be with that person. We want that person to be happy and viceversa. Well it's not like we plan to fall in love with who we do, we just do! I've heard so many talk shows and self help articles that mention that we can choose who fall in love with. Well personally I think it's bullshit. If we can plan who we fall in love with then everybody would be doing it. Also, planning to fall in love doesn't seem like genuine love to me. To me 'genuine' love can be explained like walking down the street one day, turning the corner, bumping into someone by accident and then falling in love with each other. You can't 'contrive' love. Ok yes, we may fall in love with many frogs before we find our princes, and many of us just stay with the frogs. But does that mean that the princes are exactly perfect??? I mean you know what they say.. "the grass isn't always greener on the other side". Then on the other hand maybe we can choose who we fall in love with. But I seem to find that little be harder. I mean come on I've chosen to marry Shemar Moore, Brad, and Denzel but those ships have sailed. Anyway, that was just a question I had in my head. I don't think loves makes us stupid, it just may push our boundries a little further. But don't get me wrong I'll do anything 'within reason' for my loved ones!

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