Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I miss cable....

I've just about gone out of my mind. I was sitting in my living room watching an episode of America's Next Top Model and I can't believe that I'm actually listening to what they are saying. I felt like I was in the middle of a bad movie, you know the one when a person is sitting on the couch with the remote in their hand staring blankly at the TV screen, flipping through 6 stations, hoping something interesting will come on so you can forget all of your other troubles, but nothing good seems to be on but you continue to flip through the stations anyway until finally you just stop at 'ANTM' because you just decided to give up. So anyway, I'm listening to these skinny ass dorky girls, eating ice or drinking coffee complaining about how they 'sucked' at the last photo shoot. Man their vocabulary is so broad! Almost every thing that came out of their mouths were LIKE. LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE! I was like OH MY FREAKIN GOD! I felt like a zombie. So I just turned the TV off and now I'm down here in the library because this is the only place where WIfi is available. So there you have it, I really miss cable, I wonder how the TV's will work once February comes around. I wonder if the digital TV will be any better. Well that's it for now, until I come up with something else to talk about. So bye!

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